Archive for the ‘Cybersecurity’ Category

Cyber Attacks and the Risk of Bank Failures

Monday, December 13th, 2021

By: Craig Petronella, Founder of USA Best Cybersecurity Solutions, HQ in Raleigh, North Carolina In the 21st century, banking and other financial transactions have joined the long list of activities that are powered by computers. We pay bills online, make purchases with credit cards, and move and invest our money on the web. This convenience and […]

Neiman Marcus Data Breach 

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021

It’s not your imagination—the number of significant data breaches and cyberattacks is on the rise. Among the latest prominent victims is Dallas-based retailer Neiman Marcus, who recently notified 4.6 million customers that information associated with their online accounts may have been accessed by an unauthorized third party in May 2020. [i]  In addition to notifying customers, the […]

How to Choose the Right IT Provider for Your Business

Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

Get straight talk from an IT insider about how to choose the right IT provider for your company.…/cons…/free-it-consultation/

The Skynet-Google Situation

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

The malware crisis is alarming enough on its own, but seeing the reaction of “Big Tech” raises even more concern. There exists a blockchain called “Sia” that was created to be a platform for decentralized data hosting. Anyone can use free space on their PC to be a host, and the data is seeded across […]

Cyberattack Forces Major Pipeline to Shutdown Operations

Saturday, May 8th, 2021

Colonial Pipeline, a company that operates over 5,000 miles of gasoline and jet fuel pipelines from Texas all the way to New York, is the latest known victim of a cyberattack so fierce that they were forced to shut down operations yesterday. Colonial Pipeline carries almost half of the entire East Coast’s fuel supplies.  While […]

Protecting Yourself from the Latest Facebook Hack

Monday, April 5th, 2021

This past weekend, the personal data of over half-a-BILLION Facebook users was posted in a low-level hacking forum, including full names and phone numbers, email addresses, and biographical and demographic information. The only real upside to this breach is that the data is going on two years old, as it appears to have been stolen […]

Protecting Your Remote Workers

Monday, February 1st, 2021

It’s been almost a year now, since the pandemic seemingly turned our worlds upside-down in what was seemingly an instant.  Many workers who had never worked remotely began doing so on a regular basis.  And while that was immensely helpful in curtailing the spread of the physical virus, e-viruses have flourished, as anyone with even […]

Apple Patches: Update Your Apple Device NOW

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

Today, Apple offered emergency security patches for the iOS 14.4 and iPad OS 14.4 platforms, warning users that they found three separate security vulnerabilities… Vulnerabilities that hackers might already be in the process of exploiting. READ: DO NOT DELAY UPDATING YOUR iPHONE OR OTHER APPLE DEVICE!!! While Apple declined to provide in-depth vulnerability details, here […]

Parler: Gets Hacked, Goes Black

Monday, January 11th, 2021

It was a dark week in US politics last week, ranging from the storming of the Capitol Building on January 6 to impeachment papers being drafted on the president, for inciting said act. But it’s turning out to be a dark week for others, as well. Take John Matze, for example.  He is the CEO […]

2020: Also a Terrible Year for US Cyber Attacks

Monday, January 11th, 2021

While we don’t have all the data in just yet, one trend that is clear?  Overall Cyber Security in the US in 2020 was just as abysmal as predicted. Despite all the posts we wrote warning our readers that hackers had no shame and would exploit as many Americans working from home this year due […]

Physical and Cyber Security Breached in Capitol Building

Friday, January 8th, 2021

The breach of the Capitol building this week was both shocking and scary, but what is clear from the pictures that are emerging is that it was not only the physical structure that was violated that day. What we have seen since Wednesday is that the MAGA rioters were able to not only able to […]

SolarWinds Breach: Did We Learn Our Lesson Yet?

Monday, December 28th, 2020

With time going by and no real response from the White House regarding the SolarWinds breach, it can be pretty easy to forget about it and move on to the next media cycle.  Because that’s what we tend to do here in the US. However, doing that is just NOT a good idea in this […]

New Cyber Superhero? Microsoft Flexes its Cyber Muscles

Friday, December 18th, 2020

It’s true that the current administration does not appear to be reacting to the massive CozyBear cyber breach it fell victim to this year, but fortunately, it appears that somebody is doing something. Who is that somebody? This little company you may have heard of before; it’s called “Microsoft.”  And if there was ever a […]

US Government’s Cyber Security is a National Embarrassment

Friday, December 18th, 2020

We have been reporting for quite a while now that the cyber security within the US government, in general, is just NOT up to par.  The recent breach we have discussed over the last week or so really highlighted that fact.  It was well-known even before this Russian cyberattack but not much has really been […]

DoD Gets Ready for First CMMC Audits

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

The DoD will begin including CMMC cyber security requirements in select solicitations beginning in 2021. Are you ready? It’s really not surprising that the DoD is concerned, especially if you have been following along with our last few blog posts about the massive breach that has compromised major US Governmental departments. As you probably know, […]

The Hack that Keeps on Hacking

Tuesday, December 15th, 2020

Every day, the information we learn about the FireEye hack just keeps getting increasingly worse. Last week we wrote about the hack occurring; yesterday we reported that not only was FireEye impacted, but the US government was, as well… Along with businesses and other governments across the globe; and today, we are starting to understand […]

Russian Attack on Cyber Security Firm Impacts US Government

Monday, December 14th, 2020

We wrote last week about the irony of FireEye being successfully infiltrated by hackers, and we cut them some slack because we realized that the attack was highly sophisticated…  FireEye is a $3.5 billion Cyber Security firm that has some big and important clients, like the US government, and though Russia is saying that the […]

GoDaddy Employees Tricked ONCE AGAIN

Tuesday, November 24th, 2020

GoDaddy employees were the target of a sophisticated (and successful) cyber attack… Again. GoDaddy is THE biggest domain registry across the globe.  In this scam, hackers were able to lure GoDaddy employees into transferring control and/or ownership of specific domains over to them, closely mimicking a ploy conducted in March, in which bad actors used […]

Hackers Leave Top Law Partner Functionally Homeless

Friday, November 20th, 2020

I’m not sure who exactly needs to hear this?  But for those in the back: Hackers.  Have.  No.  Shame. They not only give zero flips that there’s a deadly pandemic raging here in the US, but they are using the vulnerabilities created by virtual class- and boardrooms to their advantage… To extreme degrees. Just ask […]

Chris Krebs, Respected Director of CISO, Fired via Tweet

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020

In “news-that-comes-as-a-surprise-to-absolutely-nobody-paying-attention-but-is-still-noteworthy, Chris Krebs (who has been telling anyone that would listen for over a week now that he knows it’s only a matter of time before he is let go), respected Head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), was fired last night around 7 p.m. via a tweet… exactly two weeks to […]