Archive for the ‘Hackers News’ Category

Beware of the Backdoor Pathway

Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

As if there isn’t enough news of crisis in the Cyberworld, such as nation-state threats and career criminals using malware automations, now your problem could be safely incubating inside your own fence. Specifically, a WordPress backdoor that leads to the front door of your business where all the keys hang.  Introducing CVE-2021-24867. The trouble centers […]

Apache Log4j Zero-Day Vulnerability Discovered

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Do you know what a logging library is? What you don’t know could hurt your organization—severely. On Thursday, December 9, a critical zero-day vulnerability affecting many versions of Apache’s Log4j 2 Java logging library was publicly announced. Since then, hackers have been busily scanning the internet for instances of Log4j vulnerable to the flaw, called […]

Cyber Attack: GoDaddy Hacked

Wednesday, November 24th, 2021

In 2021, the hacker hits keep coming! Look out for upcoming information on forecasted trends in 2022 soon. With headlines awash in reports of bigger and more alarming hacking activity month after month, the latest comes from major domain registrar and web hosting company GoDaddy, which announced on Monday that it had discovered a data breach on November 17.   GoDaddy’s November 22 […]

The Skynet-Google Situation

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

The malware crisis is alarming enough on its own, but seeing the reaction of “Big Tech” raises even more concern. There exists a blockchain called “Sia” that was created to be a platform for decentralized data hosting. Anyone can use free space on their PC to be a host, and the data is seeded across […]