Archive for February, 2017

Town Shut Down by Ransomware

Friday, February 3rd, 2017

Licking County, Ohio took a licking recently.  (Sorry, I couldn’t help it.)  The county’s offices, including the police, were almost totally shut down due to a ransomware infection. There’s been no disclosure as of yet as to exactly how it happened, but ransomware infections are usually caused by someone opening an attachment in an email.  Sometimes […]

Cybernerd Date Night

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

Are you and your cybergeek significant other looking for a movie or show to watch this weekend?  Or maybe you just want to enjoy some good reading that will both inform and entertain.  Either way, here’s a list for you to check out. Dragnet Nation Author: Julia Angwin Medium: Non-fiction Summary: Angwin writes about her […]

The Five Most Pressing Cybersecurity Issues

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

What are the most pressing cyber issues facing us today?  What questions need answering in order to come up with a sensible solution? Corporate Complicity The Issue: While most of us rely on large companies such as Google, Apple, etc., to protect our accounts and information. Question Raised: How can we be sure that these […]

Ransomware is Growing Up

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

You know that annoying little kid who hits a growth spurt and then seemingly overnight transforms from a nuisance into a menacing bully? That bully is ransomware, the growth spurt was 2016, and it doesn’t appear that 2017 will be any easier. Ransomware was not kind as a child; in the beginning, the strategy involved […]

Take a Cybersecurity Pop Quiz!

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Think you are up-to-date on your Cyberknowledge? Take this quiz to find out! Noteworthy Cyberactivists ___ 1. This key player is the director of cybersecurity for the Electronic Frontier Foundation and has researched malware and coordinated security training initiatives. ___ 2. An outspoken digital security and privacy buff, this person gained notoriety after leaking NSA […]

Headaches, Deadlines and Cybercriminals, Oh My!

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Aaaah, tax season is upon us:  Headaches, Deadlines and Cybercriminals, oh my! Fraudulent tax filing has become one of the most common forms of cybercrime over the last decade,  and it does not appear to be getting much better.   You may wonder how this information attained by the hackers. Sometimes it is phished directly […]

Our Book in Suburban Living Magazine

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

16,000 homes and businesses are set to learn about our book, How HIPAA Can Crush Your Medical Practice, in the pages of the magazine Suburban Living.  Make sure to grab a copy, especially if you work in the medical field!