Ransomware is here with a vengeance. Cybercriminals are seeing far too much reward for their efforts to stop now. Coverware recently released their 2018 Q4 Ransomware Marketplace report with numbers that confirm the trend. Victim company sizes have increased so their payouts have increased. Coverware has also seen a 39% increase in attacks on backups, which decreases the ability of the victim to recover and improves the odds of payout.

Still, the best and most effective way to stop ransomware from ever getting in is Security Awareness Training. Over 92% of malware is delivered by email. Users that have Security Training are educated on ransomware, malware, and social engineering scams. Security Awareness Training ensures your employees are aware of the latest tactics and ways to keep your company safe.

The highly skilled experts at Petronella Technology Group can help keep your company safe. Contact us today for a security risk assessment, more information on our Fractional CISO services, or to schedule Security Awareness Training.

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