Working from home right now in the early days of a pandemic is the best case scenario for attempting to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.  A lot of people think this is just another flu, but it’s not, and the differences between COVID-19 and the flu or the common cold are important in understanding exactly WHY social distancing is important right now.

COVID-19 Incubation Period

According to both the Center for Disease Control (CDC) here in the US, and the World Health Organization (WHO), the average incubation period for the Coronavirus is about five days, but it can also be in excess of 14 days, or exhibit no signs whatsoever.  This is significant because people who have it might not know it and then pass it.  When you compare that to 1-2 day incubation period for the flu or a cold, that is significant.  When you have the flu, you generally know it, and quickly, so you basically self-quarantine at that point.

This is one of the major reasons that social distancing at a time like this is so important.  Because even if you might not have a difficult time with it, you could spread it to someone who is more vulnerable.  Which brings us to the next point…

Mortality Rate of Coronavirus

The mortality rate of the Coronavirus is reported to be around 1-3% while for the flu it is around .1%, which is a significant difference.  As many of us know, it is higher for those who are over 60 and especially over 80 (up to 10%) but a lesson that Italy has taught us is that the more cases, the higher the actual rate goes.

And that’s because if you are hit strongly with this virus, you are going to need to be hospitalized and put on a ventilator, and if the infection rate hits a critical mass, not everyone can be as well cared for as when there are less cases.  In Italy, they must now triage not only their COVID-19 patients, but also any patient requiring breathing assistance, and the horrible reality is that they are allowing the virus in patients over the age of  80 to run its course naturally.  If you do not have the capability to treat everyone, then the mortality rate goes up.  Which is why it’s important to quarantine yourself, if possible.

Working from Home

Working from home can be tough, especially when you aren’t accustomed to it, but the alternative is not a good one, as outlined above.  So if you have the ability to work from home, you should definitely consider it.  If your company isn’t on board with it, you should stress the importance of having a healthy (and living) work force.

But working remotely comes with its own set of vulnerabilities.  Fortunately, we here at Petronella Technology Group (PTG) have extensive experience with it.  As the old 90’s commercial goes, we “aren’t only the client” we are also the “President.”  Meaning that not only do we offer services to help PTG clients work from home, but most PTG workers are remote workers, as well, and we plan to be open during this time of “social distancing.”

Right now, we are doing our best to help keep your home office cyber virus free while you keep yourself real virus free. You can even download our free Remote Security Checklist to get advice on simple ways to add extra layers of protection to your home office.  And of course, please call us at 919-422-2607 or schedule a free consultation with Craig to discuss remote options for you and your business.

And please, stay safe.

Photo by shixart1985 blank

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