Doctor-TargetAccording to a recent study conducted by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Security (AEHIS) the top security concern IT executives in the healthcare industry are ransomware and malware attacks.

Additionally the survey pointed to social engineering, internal threats, and data theft as the top threats faced by healthcare security experts, with ransomware and malware being the most common way these weaknesses are exploited.

Ironically, 65% of people respondents had little or no confidence that legislators had enough of an understanding of web security to enact policy to deal with it, but at the same time healthcare needs federal agencies to do a better job with threat assessment and information sharing.

Since smaller organizations have different security needs than larger ones, more than half of respondents felt the government should develop techniques tailored to those needs. Along with additional information sharing, respondents stated that the government should enact policy that encourages sharing and rewards organizations that help improve web security across the industry.

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