The most popular web browser is getting an update today, and it might scare visitors away from your website. Starting with today’s release of Chrome 68, Google’s web browser will mark websites as not secure if the site is not secured with an SSL certificate.

What’s so great about an SSL certificate? If your site isn’t employing one, any data sent through the site can be seen by anyone snooping on it. This means it’s easy for people to capture things like passwords and credit card information as it comes across as plain text. An SSL certificate, however, will encrypt that information, making it so hackers and snoopers can’t read it.

Having an HTTPS website through an SSL certificate has other advantages too, though. In addition to keeping information away from hackers and instilling trust in your visitors, HTTPS websites rank higher in search engines and help a site run faster.

Not sure how to make your website secure or install an SSL certificate? Call us today for a free website audit. We’ll implement multiple security layers, including SSL, so Google won’t scare your website visitors away.

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