Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and while most attacks are aimed at large entities who can provide large payoffs, individuals are still at personal risk. Until money is paid, you could be looking at a total lockout of all of your files, email, and financial systems. Here are just a few ways to minimize your risk of a ransomware infection.

Cybersecurity Training and Awareness. Be aware and be vigilant. Phishing emails are the number one way hackers access your system. Be wary of opening any attachments or links from unknown sources. Keep an eye out for misspelled words and odd links.

Use two-factor authentication. Two-factor, sometimes called dual-factor, authentication is a second layer of protection that essentially makes you verify your identity, not just log in with a username and password. Often the second factor is an email or text code sent to your phone.

Back up your data offline. Back-ups of critical data are essential. If for some reason your system is hacked, your offline back up will be safe. It can also be utilized to restore your system to its pre-attack state once the virus is removed.

Change your password often. And not just by a single digit or letter. The strongest passwords are at least nine characters long and utilize a minimum of one capital letter, one number, and one symbol. Utilizing a password key can help you remember your passwords.

Keep your software up to date. Just do it. These regular updates can help patch issues that your current version leaves vulnerable.

While these things can help, keeping informed and up-to-date with cybersecurity is not an easy task. That’s where we come in. Learn more about how Petronella Technology Group can keep your company’s IT infrastructure safe and secure by clicking here.

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