After a year-long study of the US’s cyberdefense abilities, a bipartisan congressional committee has concluded in a 122-page report, that we are not properly prepared for cyberattacks from adversaries, including Russia, N. Korea and Iran and in fact is calling for a complete overhaul of both offensive and defensive cybersecurity actions including, but not limited to, creating congressional cyberop committees and committing more military resources towards training cybersecurity personnel.

It’s not just the public sector that needs to get in gear.  The public sector, as we have discussed, is also woefully lacking.

The committee recommends a layered, aggressive approach to cybersecurity that would make attacking the US government and US companies much more costly because right now, it’s basically like stealing candy from a baby.  It is also noted that we need to be more agile when responding to cyberthreats.  In fact, many of the solutions that are outlined are cybersecurity best-practices that should be practiced for basic cyber hygiene.

Are you unsure as to whether or not your business is at risk?  If you haven’t taken the time to address cybersecurity, then you most likely are part of the problem, and are basically a sitting duck.

Fortunately, Petronella Technology Group has decades of experience, and we are here to help you defend your business (and private networks) from foreign adversaries trying to steal your data and/or hold your files for ransom.  Help is just a call or click away.  Call us at 919-422-2607 to schedule a free consultation with Craig, or click here to schedule an appointment for free.  The longer you wait, the more vulnerable you are.

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