On Tuesday, February 28, 2017, Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Simple Storage System (S3) – a service used by hundreds of thousands of websites – went down and stayed down for most of the day.  

Unfortunately, the outage impacted millions of people, including Nest “smart” thermostat users, who were unable to manage or receive alerts from their device, and businesses who use the service and were unable to conduct business that day.  In fact, the outage page was even affected, meaning that none of the customers could even find out what was wrong.

There is, however, a silver lining; the outage exposed a major vulnerability of Cloud Hosting platforms, and fortunately, there is a simple step that can be taken to ensure that an outage in your business’s cloud service does not impact your bottom line

Solution: Multi-Cloud Management

The President and Vice President always take separate airplanes.  Why is that?  Because if one plane crashes, it will not leave the nation leaderless.  Like the US government, it is a smart idea to spread the risk.  

If you use AWS S3 as your primary server, then your backup cloud service should run off a different platform.  That way if/when your primary server crashes, your business can still do business. So if you utilize a large cloud-based system for your primary, consider using a smaller, unrelated server to save on the cost of redundancy in the Cloud.

For an assessment of your current cloud services, please contact one of our helpful representatives.

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